Bachelor of Science
The bachelor's program in materials science is characterized by great versatility and teaches a wide range of content from the natural sciences and engineering in a duration of six semesters. The curriculum includes content from the natural sciences such as mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science as well as from engineering, in particular materials-oriented design and materials-specific topics such as metals, glass, ceramics and polymers. In addition, fundamentals of machine learning are taught to give students an insight into current developments and technologies.
In addition to this technical content, students are also taught basic skills that are essential for a successful career in this field. These include skills in scientific English, scientific research, communication and presentation. The lecture content is taught in a practical manner through numerous laboratory practicals, so that students can put their knowledge directly into practice.
An optional ten-week industrial internship offers students the opportunity to gain an insight into activities outside the university and to apply their knowledge in a real working environment.
Compact information:
Flyer for the study programpdf, 935 kb · de
Leaflet about the study programpdf, 2 mb · de
Sample study planpdf, 52 kb · de
Module Cataloguepdf, 625 kb · de
Become curious? You can find even more information in our study program database. de -
Master of Science
The 4-semester master's program in Materials Science is based at the Otto Schott Institute for Materials Research and is supported by the Faculties of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry and Earth Sciences. The program is divided into three learning phases.
In the first phase, which extends over two semesters, students receive a comprehensive education in natural and material sciences. In parallel, students have the opportunity to choose courses from two of the current specialization areas "Glass and Optical Materials", "Structural Materials", "Materials for Energy and Environmental Technology" and "Biomaterials" in order to deepen their expertise.
The second phase of the program begins in the third semester and includes a practical module as well as modules that introduce students to scientific work and scientific project planning. The third semester also offers the possibility of a semester abroad.
In the third phase, the program is finally completed with the master's thesis. Here, students learn the methodology of scientific work through active participation in research projects and the presentation of scientific results.
Integrated in the Master's program is the possibility to specialize in one of the current research directions "Glass and Optical Materials", "Structural Materials", "Materials for Energy and Environmental Technology" and "Biomaterials". The specialization direction is shown on the master's certificate.
Compact information:
Flyer for the study programpdf, 955 kb · de
Leaflet about the study programpdf, 2 mb · de
Sample study planpdf, 55 kb · de
Module Cataloguepdf, 581 kb · de
Become curious? You can find even more information in our study program database. de
A student reports on his studies in a video:
Privatdozent Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Undisz talks about studying materials science in Jena:
Prof. Müller talks about the B.Sc. materials science course:
Prof. Müller spricht über den Studiengang BSc. Werkstoffwissenschaft
Video: University of Jena- Flyer B.Sc. Materials Sciencepdf, 935 kb · de
- Flyer M.Sc. Materials Sciencepdf, 955 kb · de
- Leaflet B.Sc. Materials Sciencepdf, 2 mb · de
- Leaflet M.Sc. Materials Sciencepdf, 2 mb · de
- Bachelor of Science Materials Science
- Master of Science Materials Science
- Website of the Otto Schott Institute for Materials Research
Room 134
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena
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University main building / SSZ
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena
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Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 09:00 - 13:00 o'clock,
Tuesday and Thursday 14:00 - 16:00
Wednesday from 11:00 - 15:00
The consultations take place either as telephone consultations or individual video consultations via zoom.
Appointments can be made at zsb@uni-jena.de or by telephone Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 11:00 o'clock under +49 3641 9-411111.
You are also welcome to ask your questions in our open round - the online group consultation. This takes place on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 13:00 h via Zoom. You can participate via the following link: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/93651258914 (password: ZSB2020).
Further information on the consulting and support services offered by ZSB can be found at www.uni-jena.de/ZSB.